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Areas of Research

The WAMMSS CDT covers a wide range of disciplines, with each university having a key focus in a few of theses areas. 

The University of Strathclyde

The Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department's research areas include: Wind Turbine and Wind Farm Control, Traditional/Novel Wind Turbine Design and Development, Wind Turbine Reliability, Data Driven Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Components, Operation and Maintenance Modelling for Offshore Wind Farms, Wind Turbine Life Extension, Grid Integration, Power Electronics, Turbine Electrical System Design and Analysis, Wind Turbine Bearings, Wind Turbine Structures.


The Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering Department has a focus on  Structural integrity, offshore dynamics, inspection, reliability, maintenance, etc.

The University of Oxford

Structural engineering for offshore wind turbines - dynamics and vibrations, structural health monitoring, system identification.


Environmental fluid mechanics - whole wind and tidal farm modelling, extreme waves and wave interactions with offshore structures, tidal turbine design, constructive turbine interference and unsteady loading.


Geotechnical engineering for offshore wind turbines - numerical and theoretical modelling of foundations, laboratory testing, field testing, development of design guidance.


The University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh has a strong focus on Aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, 

and composite materials.


The University has main experimental facilities include FloWave and FASTBLADE.


FloWave is a wave and current simulation tank for use in the testing and development of novel ocean energy technologies and FASTBLADE is the world’s first test facility that uses regenerative hydraulic technology to offer high-quality, low-cost fatigue testing of tidal blades and other composites structures for research and product development.


Combining the three universities areas of expertise creates a wide spectrum of research, potential for collaboration and a hub of knowledge exchange.

This vast range of research is captured in a mind map, highlighting the focus of our students

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Student Images

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Wind Europe 2022

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