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News and Events

Wind Turbines in the Mountains

Future Wind and Marine Conference

Future wind and marine is the annual conference of the CDT in Wind & Marine Energy Systems & Structures. Our final year students will present the results of their research, along with poster presentations from all other students. We're pleased to also have industry insights on a range of topics within offshore renewables.


More information on FW&M 2023 will be available soon on the link below, but in the meantime we encourage you to watch the video below, showcasing FW&M 2020!

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Other Upcoming Events


9th December 2022

A student perspective on conferences and a talk about transitioning from PhD to Industry


for more information

Student Past Events

On Friday 11th November, Strathclyde held a multidisciplinary ‘COP27 and COP26-Legacy Event’, aimed at exploring climate change impacts and resolution work from a variety of areas for a general audience. Among the twenty or so posters were those of two WAMSS members: Euan Duernberger, who’s soon to complete his viva, and Angus Buck, who was one of three winners at the event for his combined poster and presentation. The poster session proceeded a Climate Fresk Workshop, exploring the causes and far-reaching effects of climate change on the environment, food chain and human wellbeing; and was proceeded by an interesting climate debate between academics. Overall, it was an enjoyable and educational event, and a good chance to showcase Strathclyde and WAMSS’ work towards climate crisis solutions.

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G1 1XW

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